Sunday, August 11, 2013

Breaking the Ice - Writer's Block 2013

    Boy, its been a while. It has been an amazing year thus far!  I ran into a writing block (they look a lot like cinder blocks, but much larger) somewhere along the line, and am feeling that I may not necessarily continue the blog in the linear timeline the way I have been thus far.  I have still been travelling, although I now have an apartment (which is taking quite a bit of adjustment).  Transitioning from totally mobile to having a home base has been wonderful and quite challenging at times.  There are loads of new things that I now have to consider.  Like taking out the trash on Tuesday!  When I first moved in, I had to go to the store to purchase things like a mop and a toilet brush.  Didn't need those in the truck!
    Fortunately, I am in a very supportive community, and the cost of living is such that I do not feel like I run the risk of getting stuck.  Been there, done that. Never Again. Of course, being "Stuck" really is a State of Mind, and a way of being - and THAT is a choice that we make for ourselves.
    I have had several conversations with friends regarding the writing block.  It does feel that I started a new chapter of my life in January.  One friend pointed out that perhaps there was an aspect of the blog that allowed me to not feel so lonely while I was living out of the truck.  I do know that some of the reasons for writing while travelling was to keep friends and acquaintances informed of my adventures, as well as a sort of ongoing Curriculum Vitae - so when I show up somewhere, there is a trail that gives me some sort of professional validity.
It has also been pointed out to me that I have been very busy just Living!

Regardless of all this, the stories have been piling up, I need to get back to it & start sharing!

Next Post Coming Very Soon!

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